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Brand packages


Real direction.

Tangible, transparent and totally collaborative, our brand packages have been designed to help you on your journey.

We're making our brand workshops more accessible for businesses like yours.

Maybe your business grew organically, without much intentional investment. Perhaps you acquired other companies or merged businesses, leaving a mix of brand values and identities. Whatever factors might be holding your business back, we can help pave the way forward with a range of services, bundled to suit your budget and brand needs.

Our Brand Workshop Packages

When it comes to making brand or marketing changes there is nothing like a workshop session to ensure that everyone is on the same page and heading in the right direction. Designed for businesses with multiple stakeholders who need alignment and clarity on the best way forward.

Brand Refresh

Tailored to businesses with brands that have become outdated, or the hierarchy is confused. We’ll help you remain relevant in a changing market with a revitalised brand image and recommendations on how to simplify or refresh your brands to appeal to your ideal target audiences.


  • 1–2-hour discovery workshop


  • Design and marketing refresh

  • Brand hierarchy recommendations

  • Creative messaging recommendations

  • Brand book expressing new brand refresh with marketing examples

New Brand

This workshop helps simplify and clarify the development of a new brand for a business, product or service. It is a deep dive into your strategic positioning, establishing your identity and visual look and feel, with a delivery of a full suite of assets for internal and external communications.


  • 1–2-hour discovery workshop

  • Name and visual identity recommendations

  • Logo design

  • Brand guidelines

  • Brand book expressing new brand refresh with marketing examples

Brand Strategy

Ideal for existing brands ready to embark on the next stage of growth. We'll review your current brand assets and messaging, define your target audience and develop new ideas to express your brand across a full suite of marketing channels.


  • 1–2-hour workshop

  • Existing brand and competitor review

  • Marketing recommendations with tactical examples

How it works

Our Brand Workshops are open, collaborative and some even say, enjoyable. It's a journey of discovery or, for others, re-discovery.

Hot Mustard Brand Workshop


The Workshop

Our brand workshops begin with an up-to-three-hour, in-house workshop with your team. This is where we learn about your business, its structure, target markets and ambitions. We look at your mission, vision statements and objectives. If you don’t have these yet, we develop them alongside you. We audit your current brand look to determine if a ‘refresh’ is required.

Brand Book - Hot Mustard


The Brand Book

From there, we go on to develop core values, key sales messages and a strategic direction for your brand before presenting this back to you in the form of your very own tailored ‘Brand book’. Taking your brand on a journey, we delineate every step so you can see the progression from your core values through to how we will express them internally and externally.  Remember - a ‘brand’ is an expression of what your business stands for.  At every available opportunity, your customers ought to know what those values are.


 Real  results.

Creative Marketing Campaigns

Hot Mustard were a true partner in the development of our modernised brand positioning, identity and guidelines. Their genuine passion for our business was evident from day one, and we greatly appreciated the collaborative way in which they worked, making sure our voice was heard and our business needs were met. Our team have implemented the new brand identity successfully into all parts of our business, showing how well the team at Hot Mustard listened to our requirements and created a sustainable brand that we are immensely proud of.


Managing Director, Allied Medical

Let’s start your new brand journey

Get in touch to learn more about how we can help ignite your brand.

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